Agrimeccanica: video e interviste dal mondo delle macchine agricole

Top Videos 2018 - Macgest Partners

••• ••• [ITA] #Trattori e attrezzature, costruttori e utilizzatori. Scopri i video top di quest'anno, selezionati da canali dei partner di Macgest, il portale di Image Line dedicato alle macchine per l'#agricoltura. [ENG] #Tractors and farm equipment, constructors and users. Check out 2018 top videos by Macgest' Partners, news and technical sheets on agricultural #machinery

11 set 2018

New Holland CR Revelation IntelliSense™ System #20SecondChallenge

The innovative CR Revelation new feature IntelliSense™ reduces losses and provides highest grain quality. This is translated for the customer into superlative efficiency and productivity, low costs and high performance. IntelliSense™ System is very easy and doesn't require to be settled up: you do it once and it's saved, so you start the combine, activate the IntelliSense™ and you go, as easy as saying it!

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